Client screen shot of portal (

Client screenshot of portal 

Benefits of Project Implementation
∆ With the introduction of web- based system, the interaction of application with local database has been eliminated making the system work faster. In the older system, the data was first stored locally before pushing it to the central database thereby increasing the data redundancy.
∆ The web KMS system has resulted in saving of infrastructure at the local level.

∆ In the older system, a setup was needed to be created and installed in individual RTOs. But with the web-based KMS system, the application and its supporting software automatically gets installed without any additional effort, using a single url.
∆ The Web-based KMS system also results in automatic updating at the client end.
∆ The project has helped in saving time and increased ease of use by RTO officials for the issuance of DL/RC smartcards
∆ All the benefits stated above have resulted in making the entire project cost effective.
Work In Progress (Chip Encoding)
∆ In the earlier versions of smartcard-based DL/RC KMS system, the chip personalization (i.e. surface printing and chip encoding modules) was done by transport department vendors. But with the new web based version, Smart Card Technologies Division (SCTD),NIC has developed the chip encoding module to ensure easy and better handling of KMS processes in the states.All the challenges encountered by the vendors in this regard have been addressed by SCTD, NIC.The vendor needs only to carry out surface printing (Visual zone) of cards and rest is taken care of by DLL from SCTD, NIC. The DLL has been integrated with the printing module of the vendor.
∆ There is continuous effort of coordination with Smartcard Vendors and all State Coordinators for implementation, testing and integration of Smartcard-based DL and RC Chip Encoding module so that web-based KMS application can be implemented as per the latest specifications at the earliest.
∆ In this regard, SCTD, NIC was successful in getting Assam, Punjab, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Bihar, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh on board for initiating the process of integration and implementation.
∆ SCTD, NIC is guiding the states for the following activities during the implementation of the web-based system along with the chip encoding module for the issuance of DL/RC smartcards.
∆ System Installation
∆ Dependency installations such as java, drivers, upgradation of chrome etc.
∆ Support to vendors with respect to integration of encoding DLL with their software which includes debugging of vendor personalization software as well.
∆ For the smooth functioning of he entire system, coordination with different stakeholders such as Vahan Team, Sarthi Team,Smartcard Vendors and RTOs is provided by SCTD, NIC.
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